时间:3819-03-04 17:09:55 编辑:一键下载站
mod=mod control, use mod add playername permissionLevel, mod remove playername, mod up
date playername permissionLevel
cp=command permission control, use cp add command permissionLevel,
cp remove command,
whitelist update playername permissionLevel
whitelist=whitelist control, use whitelist add playername permissionLevel,
whitelist remove playername,
whitelist update playername permissionLevel
eeks, months, years
listthreads It=lists all threads
gameover go=sets the game state to GameOver
settime st=sets the time
aiddebug=Toggles AIDirector debug output.
spawnwanderinghorde=Spawns a wandering horde of zombies
shownexthordetime=Displays the wandering horde time
saveworld sa=Saves the world manually.
buff=Applies a buff to the local player
debuff=Removes a buff from the local player
chunkcache CC=shows all loaded chunks in cache
showchunkdata sC=shows some date of the current chunk
gettime gt=retrieves curent ingame time
settimereal str=set current ingame time, params:
rendermap rm=render the C
urrent map to a file
creativemenu cm=enable/disable creative menu
enablerendering=enable/disable live map rendering